Let’s talk more about Lean and Flow

Last month I wrote about creating free training on Agile Planning. I’ve had some positive feedback so I thought I’d write about the next (also free) course, “Improve Agile delivery with Lean“. I’m writing in a modular format, so I’ll be extending with new material as I did with the Agile Planning course. Subscribe or revisit to see more. And please take a look and tell me what you think and how I can improve or extend the courses.

“7 lines” mapping
A coding project for non-coding data scientists.
Agile Planning
Planning and estimation in an Agile environment
Lean in Agile
Enhancing your Agile approach with Lean ideas
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“7 lines” – helping non-coders

I’ve just finished creating my first on-line course. An obvious choice would have been around leading Agile teams, related to my recent book. But for many years I’ve been leading teams of developers. How could I help people who are not coders? I’d love to know what people think of the result – please take a look.

course link here

Like many people I was reluctant to put my real, flawed self out on the Web. And that’s despite having done plenty of face-to-face training (which I love). But like writing books, once you take the plunge it’s a great way to think through the best approach.

Continue reading ““7 lines” – helping non-coders”

The Toyota Way – not just tools

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is an approach which has been very successful and widely copied.   But the copying has largely focussed on the systems and processes (Kanban for example) and not on the underlying ethos.

This is particularly topical as we see the same issues occurring with agile methodologies.  A desire to copy rapidly the success of organisations in agile development has led to the growth in certification and frameworks.  The resulting risk is in “doing agile” not in “being agile”.

Toyota’s real achievement is not merely the creation and use of the tools themselves; it is in making all its work a series of nested, ongoing experiments.

Learning to Lead at Toyota
Continue reading “The Toyota Way – not just tools”

Empowered teams, or why you should never unicycle on Mars

Control is overrated.
If everything’s under control, you’re going too slow!
Henrik Kniberg

I’d always seen the statement above as being a bit glib.  One of those quotes that people like to put in lists.  Snappy, but a bit shallow.  But recently I started thinking about how there might be a bit more to it than I’d thought.

Continue reading “Empowered teams, or why you should never unicycle on Mars”